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Time for Change


If you have heard Glenn speak, you've probably heard him say how he respects the other candidates; however, this race is about who is the MOST QUALIFIED.  Glenn  is the ONLY candidate that has a proven track record of going beyond the "job" and dedicating time to initiating programs, testifying on legislation, and collaboratively working with community to make it a better and safer place.

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The Stakes are High

Collin County has extperienced tremendous growth and that trend is continuing.  The 219th has the HIGHEST number of untried defendants in jail. Some have spent over 1000 days awaiting trial while others have been waiting for over a year for disposition.  This comes at an incredible cost to the County; $80 per day per defendant. It also affects people's liberty, and delays closure for family victims of homicide, and other violent offenses.  


Something must be done!  Glenn Brenner has the experience of clearing over-crowded dockets and making the judicial system run more efficiently.  This keeps the offender accountable and streamlines the process making Collin more fiscally responsible and safer for our residents.



For a Better Future

As Collin County courts are coping with ever-increasing caseloads, economics is producing dwindling sources of revenue.   The underfunding to judicial budgets have had a debilitating impact on available court days causing significant delays in resolving criminal dockets to the point where judges and prosecutors are faced with the choice of warehousing untried defendants in local jails (at additional costs to other county agencies) or releasing a potentially violent offender, compromising the courts ability to fulfill its traditional role: maintaining societal order and public safety. 

All of the other functions that require people to work immediately on larger caseloads, and have negatively affected the initiation of well intended, value based programs (drug court, DWI Court, mental health programs) which would ultimately assist in reduction of that very caseload and benefiting the community at large. 

While the answer is multi-faceted; a great start would be to educate the executive and legislative branches on the ever-increasing burdens of the judiciary and its long-lasting effect on their own constituencies.  This will assist in getting a portion of the state budget dedicated to assist in the funding of the much-needed aforementioned programming.

See how you can get involved by getting in touch today.


This race is important and you want the most experienced person that you are sure will do the best job.  Glenn is a four-term Elected District Attorney who prosecuted thousands of criminal cases and took hundreds of the most serious violent cases involving homicide and sexual assault to jury trial.  In addition he has initiated programs such as a Child Advocacy Center to streamline the system and subject children to only one interview and only one examination, a Domestic Violence Task Force, and a Juvenile Diversion Department successfully diverting over 1000 less serious juveniles and placing them in value-based programs.


After 16 years as the DA, Glenn joined a successful and growing Probate and Fiduciary Litigation Firm.  Glenn litigated hundreds of multi-million civil cases until leaving to help children as a Guardian in the Department of Child Protective Services and pursue a judgeship.


Glenn has always felt a calling to be a judge.  While he had opportunity for appointment throughout his career, he wasn't quite ready.  He was enjoying honing his skills and teaching as faculty in the National Advocacy Center.  Glenn feels the calling, he's acting on it, and he needs your support to fulfill it.

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·As Judge of the 219th District Court, I will:


  • Clear an unacceptable over-crowded Docket where some inmates awaiting trial are sitting for over 1000 days and others for more than a year.  This reduction in caseload will immediately see substantial savings for you, the taxpaying citizen while giving closure to victims of violent crime.


  • Follow the law; not make legislate from the bench.


  • Apply my multi-faceted 27-year legal experience to ensure that all parties are treated evenly, fairly and justly.


  • Always be prepared to ensure orderly and unbiased administration of justice.


  • Efficiently operate the Court to ensure that the time commitments of the jurors, parties respected, and assure the court’s ability to fulfill its traditional role: maintaining societal order and public safety.and counsel are


  •  Rule promptly and decisively based upon established legal principles and in keeping with the concept of separation of powers.


  •  Act outside my role, AS DEMONSTRATED BEFORE, to:


  • Testify on legislation and educate the executive and legislative branches on the ever-increasing burdens of the judiciary and its long-lasting effect on their own constituencies.  This will assist in getting a portion of the state budget dedicated to of that very caseload and benefit the community at large.  fund of the much-needed value-based programs (drug court, DWI Court, mental health programs) which will ultimately assist in reduction


  • Collaborate with County Department heads to make changes that assist in County government running more and demonstrating the judiciary’s responsibility to fiscal responsibility


  • Attend and serve our non-profit based programs e.g  M.A.D.D., Shelters, Educational Systems etc.

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